Giorgio Gruizza was born in 1966 in Belgrade, Serbia. Having grown up on the flawlessly drawn Marvel’s comics relating the adventures of the fighters for justice, Sliver Surfer, Batman, Spiderman, Conan, super heroes with strong perfectly shaped bodies, surrounded by nubile beauties, with adolescent admiration for the beauty of the classic Greek sculpture, it will turn out, that these laid the aesthetic ideal which Giorgio struggled to achieve not only when creating his works, but in private life as well. Perfectionism in his work, mathematical precision and a flawless technique are not the only qualities which make this artist big and which distinguish his work from that of others. Precisely his power to discover and bring to the surface the most beautiful, intriguing, and inspiring from his models, to shape that with the help of his imagination and record it as such, is his true photographical and essential artistic force. Sculpturally and graphically strong, and at the same time, sensual and mystic, forceful and provocative, his photographs are timeless, although every time new and surprising. They are easy to observe, understand and accept, and most of all, unscrupulously seductive. Charged with energy and sexuality of its models, they flirt with the finest feelings of the observers, completely revealing Giorgio’s fascination with the human face and body, and with photography as the art of painting with light. Giorgio Gruizza lives in Belgrade, the capital of Serbia. When taking a break between numerous assignments, he prepares the material for his first book of photographs – “Obsession.”
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