Playmate – Emily Agnes

Category: Playboy Galleries

British Playmate Emily Agnes made her debut in Playboy as the July 2014 Playmate of the Month. She joined 14 other British Playmates who had previously been photographed for Playboy, including Miss January 2013 Karina Marie. The July Playmate hails from the village of Windlesham in Surrey. She came to Los Angeles to shoot her centerfold and, of course, to also get the full Playboy experience by staying at The Mansion for a month. Her Playboy photos got her featured on Sports Illustrated’s “Lovely Lady of the Day,” and it’s hard to disagree with that qualification.
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Emily always knew she eventually wanted to do Playboy. She contacted photographer Tony Kelly and sent him pictures of herself, and Hugh Hefner asked Emily to fly across the pond to Los Angeles for a test shoot. Emily took residence at The Mansion for an extended stay while shooting her centerfold at Playboy headquarters. Tony Kelly shot the British Playmate dressed as a personal assistant in an office setting and even hanging off the Playboy sign. “My favorite part of modeling is the acting,” Emily told Playboy. “Dressing up, getting to be someone else for the day — and my shoot with Tony was just beautiful!”

When the British babe isn’t busy modeling she is doing yoga, much like her mother, a yoga instructor. She also loves cooking and painting. The cooking side she attributes to her mother and grandmother. Since Emily became Miss July her ambition has soared. “Now that I’m a Playmate, my life is going to change,” she told Playboy. “It really puts you out there, so I’m hoping to build on that — model, act and travel the world. That’s my dream!”

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Playmate – Emily Agnes was last modified: March 30th, 2016 by Gallery of Nudes

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