Jaromir Sedlak

Jaromir Sedlak

I inherited my first Flexaret from my father when I was about 11 years old. Since then I have eagerly tried out many cameras, from a Ukraine-made “Kiev” to a CANON EOS300 brought over from Germany. I got to a digital camera sometime around 1998. Actually, nearly all of my cameras were stolen from me and paradoxically, that’s how I moved forward. So from Olympus cameras (the last one was an E-1) I got to CANON (30D and 5 D) – and although I have a Nikon FM2 and a Pentax SP1000 at home sitting in their dusty place of honour right next to the television – I now enjoy taking photos with my Canon 1Ds MarkIII. I like to photograph people the most. I try to find new perspectives, new colour adaptations and to place unusual elements within my photographs. With the shots that I have a chance to plan, I try to find at least one extra, different parallel storyline which is only obvious to the careful observer. I’m realizing my dreams. I photographed calendar shoots in asphalt tanks with a group of female and male models, I took photographs from the roofs of high-rise buildings, in water, etc. At the moment I’m shooting a slightly industrially themed calendar at one large paper mill with the national female step-aerobics team, I’m preparing a catalogue and image photograph shoot for a Turkish manufacturer of extravagant ladies’ shoes and for the company Ellements, which we’d like to realize in the Mecca of modern architecture – Berlin. These are the things that are keeping me most busy at the moment and which I’m really looking forward to.

Photo Gallery from Jaromir Sedlak (Visitors: 29258)