Gabriela Vesela

With being a model I got to the photographie. As model I learned to accept my own body and my self at all, to like myself and experiment with myself. Suddenly I could play several roles. The photographie give me the ability to be another one… and furthermore in the end myself again. As a photograph I search for my self. In this time I that my photographie is a practice for my future. See, experiment, try, learn and make mistakes. I wish that my pictures are understood. You should not only recognize the predication, but also feel the emotion which was there during the exposure. The world of phantasy has no limits. I like it to show people naturally, but also in the roles, they would like to be sometimes. In a dream you can look how you would like to do. To a look so in pictures is the art which must be created betweem model and photograph.

Photo Gallery from Gabriela Schäfer (Vesela) (Visitors: 95052)