Claus Rose

Claus Rose was born in 1968. He is living in Jena, Germany, since 1996. Photography as a way of living, with all its aspects and opportunities for expression, became his passion at an early stage. In particular the magic of nude photography, wich lends the model an aura of beauty and grace, exerted a great fascination on him. Going beyond the classic nude, the erotic plays an ever more important part in contemporary photography and art. Here, on the threshold of the digital age, photography is fighting for its status in art as almost never before. “I do not claim to be an artist. But if art has something to do with artistry, then it is my aim to present forms and figures with a high level of craftsmanship. And if art has something to do with imparting, then I aim to trigger little stories in the viewer’s imagination.” Rose’ most important audience are his models. He always tries to emphasize their individual personas with erotic symbols and to approach the variety of their personalities with creative versatility.

Photo Gallery from Claus Rose (Visitors: 168341)